On 17/5/22 6:23 am, nimrod wrote:

recently Google Chrome started to leave around a "chrome --enable-crashpad" process every time I closed it. Each of such processes sucks 25% of CPU. If I open another instance of Chrome and I close it, another process is created and reaches the 25% of CPU, and so on and so forth. Obviously the fans roar a lot until I don't kill every such processes.

I too have recent problems with Chrome. Playing videos such as on youtube often result in the cursor flickering and the whole browser becomes unusable. Sometimes I have just enough input that it will recognise me hitting the 'x' and will then pop up a message about the browser being unresponsive. Other times I have to use a kill -9

I upgraded to the latest Version 101.0.4951.64 (Official Build) (64-bit) but the problem still happens.


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