On 6/1/2022 1:45 PM, Tom Browder wrote:
On Mon, May 30, 2022 at 19:46 Edwin Zimmerman <ed...@plainemail.net> wrote:

On 5/30/22 09:41, Greg Wooledge wrote:
On Mon, May 30, 2022 at 07:13:54AM -0500, Tom Browder wrote:
No worries. All those responses about the subject IP now are the norm
for a
bare-iron server ready for use by a customer, yours truly. It is the
server I messed up the firewall with and locked myself out of. The OS
been reinstalled and is ready for me to use again.

On that note, for my next try with the server, I will definitely use UFW
with the legacy uptables that was suggested.

But a question: it is clear that it must be enabled to go into effect, but
when does it actually start operating? Does it do so then, or does it take
a reboot?

Apparently, if you 'enable' 'ufw', it will start and be enabled at boot.

According to (1), ufw should work with nftables, I did not follow the
reasoning on why to use iptables but only if you have issues use legacy

1)  https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Uncomplicated_Firewall

John Doe

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