On 6/2/22 18:35, Will Mengarini wrote:
* David Christensen <dpchr...@holgerdanske.com> [22-06/02=Th 18:01 -0700]:
On 6/2/22 17:12, Will Mengarini wrote:
* David Christensen [22-06/02=Th 15:50 -0700]:
On 6/2/22 15:13, Will Mengarini wrote:

In this transcript, the number before the prompt-ending '$' is $?:
debian/pts/4 bash3 ~ 14:56 0$perl -e 'open "gweeblefleep" || die'
debian/pts/4 bash3 ~ 14:57 0$perl -e 'open "gweeblefleep" or die'
Died at -e line 1.
debian/pts/4 bash3 ~ 14:57 2$

What is your shell?  PS1?

The shell is Bash 5.1.4.
PS1="\\h/${TTY#/dev/} \\s$SHLVL \\w \\A \$?\\\$"

The snippet '${TTY#/dev/}' seems to produce ' -' on my computer.
How does your computer produce 'pts/4 ' and what does it mean?

'pts/4' is an abbreviation of '/dev/pts/4', pseudoterminal 4.

TTY is `tty`; it's been so long I'd forgotten that's not available in
all shells.  You should have the 'tty' program; it's in coreutils.

Is there a reason why you are using
double quotes, rather than single quotes?

So I can interpolate stuff like ${TTY#/dev/}.  In your case,
you'll need to set TTY=`tty` before setting PS1, so Bash
can use string substitution to remove '/dev/' from it.

Okay. That explains TTY and bash(1) -> Parameter Expansion -> When not performing substring expansion -> Remove matching prefix pattern:

2022-06-02 19:04:45 dpchrist@laalaa ~
$ TTY=`tty`

2022-06-02 19:04:53 dpchrist@laalaa ~
$ echo "'$TTY'"

2022-06-02 19:04:58 dpchrist@laalaa ~
$ echo "'${TTY#/dev/}'"

Now I can almost match your prompt -- there is a dash before 'bash':

2022-06-02 19:05:10 dpchrist@laalaa ~
$ PS1="\\h/${TTY#/dev/} \\s$SHLVL \\w \\A \$?\\\$"
laalaa/pts/8 -bash1 ~ 19:08 0$

The dash seems to be coming from the '\s' bash(1) -> PROMPTING -> backslash-escaped special characters:

2022-06-02 19:12:58 dpchrist@laalaa ~
$ PS1="\\s"


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