Hans wrote:
>Steve wrote:
>> If you hit E, that will let you edit the currently-loaded grub
>> config so you can append preseed and other options.
>I thought about that since hit all keys trying to get to cmd prompt
>like when booting from BIOS. But I didn't find any documentation /
>example what needs to be edited / added. Could you please point me to
>some example? I literally just need "auto https://...."; and maybe an
>option for serial output instead of VGA but that's just an optional
>bonus ;-).

Ah, sorry. It looks like we maybe don't have clear enough docs here.

1. On the grub menu, use the cursor keys to select the menu entry you
   want to edit, and press the E key.

2. Move the cursor down 3 lines to find the command line for the kernel.
   This is the line starting with "linux".

3. Move the cursor to near the end of the line, *before* the "---"
   separator and add any extra command line options you need there.

4. Hit Ctrl-x or F10 to boot

As mentioned separately, you'll probably want to do this starting with
the "Advanced Options ..." / "... Automated install" boot option.

OK? Hope that helps...

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                st...@einval.com
"We're the technical experts.  We were hired so that management could
 ignore our recommendations and tell us how to do our jobs."  -- Mike Andrews

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