On Fri, Jun 24, 2022 at 07:02:35AM +0000, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:
> There are a couple of useful habits to get into when removing things:
> There's an 
>  rm -i
> Use the pwd  command to check where you are in the
> filesystem. (It may be short for "print working
> directory").
> If you are deleting one file - change to the directory it is in, check that
> it exists there first with the
>  ls -al [filename]
> command. Since the file is in the current directory,you can use the
>  rm ./[filename]
> [That's a period and a forward slash - limiting you to a file in the current
> directory]
> Try and avoid using rm -rf and forced removal. The one exception is that
> you have to remove a non-empty directory with -rf. If you first try -r
> and it fails, that's a clue that you are actually about to delete a 
> directory.
> Again, if it's a single directory, change directories to the directory
> that it is in and use the ./ The last suggestion, and it's the simplest:
>  rm [filename] -rf
> If you need to be doubly sure rm [filename] -irf will put in the interactive
> prompt again.
> Some of this is learnt the hard way from administering one machine that
> other people relied on :)

All good suggestions, along with making backups. 

I list the files first:

ls some-pattern

then add a pipe to rm:

ls some-pattern | rm 


ls some-pattern | rm -rf

I know the OP said they weren't asking advice, but I can't
help putting in my two bits :-)


> With every good wish, as ever,

Joel Roth

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