On 25/06/2022 17:12, Kristijonas Lukas Bukauskas wrote:
Would these packages be in 11.3.0-live+nonfree image?

Don't walk in the dark. Instead, do the following:
sudo dmesg (in live mode without internet)

Error in red about network adapter will tell you exact name of the file
you need to download on machine with internet.

You do it as follows:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install apt-file
sudo apt-file update
apt-file search filename

where "filename" is exact filename missing from laptop without WiFi.
Result of this command will tell you exact name of package which
contains this file. Download it:
apt download package-name

From now on, you can put it on USB stick, and each time you boot your
LiveCD, you install this package and internet starts working.

This works in majority of cases, sometimes activation of WiFi driver
requires reboot, so no luck, or firmware installer download separate
files from internet. But try it, it may work for you and saves you
installing random packages off debian repo without knowing which you you
actually need.

With kindest regards, Piotr.

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