On 6/28/22, Anssi Saari  wrote:
> Lee  writes:
>> I have a desktop and a laptop - neither one is picking up the ipv6
>> network prefix from the router advertisement.  'ifconfig -a' on both
>> show a single 'inet6 fe80::' line under each interface.
> Well, how do you manage your network?

Poorly.. Verizon just enabled ipv6 in my area, so I'm trying to figure
out how to get ipv6 working internally.

> Is there a checkbox to check or uncheck somewhere?

Yup - that was it.  Netgate firewall had the DHCPv6 Server & RA set
for Managed -- change it to Assisted and everything gets the ipv6
prefix info now.

>> I checked with wireshark - the RAs look good.
> Checked how?

Superficially :(

The RA prefix information just had the On-link flag(L)
After changing the DHCPv6 Server & RA router mode to assisted the RA
prefix information had both the On-link flag(L) and the Autonomous
address-configuration flag(A) set

>> How do I get the default "accept_ra = 1" set on _all_ interfaces?
> You use sysctl -w to set those permanently. For testing, manipulate the
> virtual files in /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/.
> Although, to me that looks OK, as in, it's what I have and for me IPv6
> works, weird as it is. Forwarding is off and accept_ra is like yours:
> net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_ra = 1
> net.ipv6.conf.default.accept_ra = 1
> net.ipv6.conf.docker0.accept_ra = 0
> net.ipv6.conf.enp5s0.accept_ra = 0
> net.ipv6.conf.lo.accept_ra = 1
> and yet enp5s0 has a public IPv6 address.

Same here.  Forwarding is off, accept_ra is unchanged and yet ipv6
works for me now.

has this bit
  Possible values are: 0 Do not accept Router Advertisements.

but router advertisements are clearly being accepted.  .. or I'm not
understanding what 'Router Advertisements' means.  *sigh*


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