I'm using postfix as my MTA and lately I've been missing a significant fraction 
from my usual mail

e.g. email from linkedin and spamassassin list.

Tracking it down I see they are all getting rejected by abuseat. e.g.

Jun 30 14:20:09 egde postfix/25pass/smtpd[21040]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from 
mail.openbsd.org[]: 554 5.7.1 Service unavailable; Client host [] 
blocked using cbl.abuseat.org; Error: open resolver; 
from=<owner-libressl+M1127=jeremy=ardley....@openbsd.org> to=<jer...@ardley.org> 
proto=ESMTP helo=<mail.openbsd.org>

I've removed that from my postfix filters, but is there a current best practice 
set of rbl filters?


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