On Sun, Jul 17, 2022 at 06:37:55PM -0700, Rick Thomas wrote:
> I'm experimenting with installing Bullseye on a Cubox-i4Pro I keep around for 
> testing purposes.
> I followed the instructions at:
> http://http.us.debian.org/debian/dists/bullseye/main/installer-armhf/current/images/netboot/SD-card-images/README.concatenateable_images
> Then I dd'ed the resulting complete image onto an 8GB microSD card, which I 
> then inserted into the microSD slot in the Cubox-I.  When I applied power, I 
> got the attached log on the serial console.

Disclaimer: I have no idea what a Cubox-i4Pro is, so take the
following with one or two fists of salt.

Going through the attached log, this calls my attention:

> Loading Environment from MMC... *** Warning - bad CRC, using default 
> environment^M

which seems to mean that the bootloader isn't finding what it
expects. This could be due to a bad MMC card, or to something
going wrong with the dd, or to the Cubox needing something
different than what you have got. Unless you are quite sure
about the third, I'd try to eliminate the first two ones.

Typically such an installer is a partitioned disk: if you insert
the card into your Linux box: can you see the partitions? Can
you mount them?

Then this:

> mmc1 is current device^M
> Card did not respond to voltage select! : -110^M
> CACHE: Misaligned operation at range [e59ff01c, e59ff91c]^M
> timeout exit!^M
> CACHE: Misaligned operation at range [e59ff01c, e59ff91c]^M
> timeout exit!^M

Are you sure your MMC card is working as it should? They are known
to be of... varying quality.


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