On Thu 28 Jul 2022 at 08:37:12 (-0600), Charles Curley wrote:
> Any time needrestart is run it complains about xfce4-session running
> obsolete binaries or libraries.
> --------------------------------------------------
> root@ideapc:~# needrestart
> Scanning processes...
> Scanning candidates...
> Scanning processor microcode...
> Scanning linux images...
> Running kernel seems to be up-to-date.
> Failed to check for processor microcode upgrades.
> No services need to be restarted.
> No containers need to be restarted.
> User sessions running outdated binaries:
>  charles @ session #2: xfce4-session[2280]
> root@ideapc:~#
> --------------------------------------------------
> Recently a new Linux kernel came down the pipeline, so I
> rebooted. That should flush out all obsolete binaries or libraries,
> but I still get the message.
> Further, I get it on three different AMD-64 machines, all running
> Debian 11 as updated.
> The Debian web site reports that the current version of xfce4-session
> should be 4.16.0-1, and indeed that is what I have.
> Is there any way to check the dependencies of xfce4-session short of
> writing a script to parse the dependencies reported by "apt show
> xfce4-session"?
> This is more obnoxious than a show stopper, so I don't want to put a
> lot of effort into it.

This machine has got as far as apt-get upgrade with the recent point
release, so I've yet to dist-upgrade for the new kernel and reboot.
At the moment it shows:

$ /sbin/needrestart 
Scanning processes... 
Your outdated processes:
bash[928], systemd[886]
$ /sbin/needrestart -v
[main] eval /etc/needrestart/needrestart.conf
[main] needrestart v3.5
[main] running in user mode
[Core] Using UI 'NeedRestart::UI::stdio'...
[main] systemd detected
[main] #886 uses deleted /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libcrypto.so.1.1
[main] #928 uses obsolete binary /usr/bin/bash
Your outdated processes:
bash[928], systemd[886]

so perhaps try adding the -v.


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