On 2022-07-31, rhkra...@gmail.com <rhkra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sunday, July 31, 2022 07:50:54 AM Curt wrote:
>> Maybe the OP (who's disappeared anyway, as they
>> often do) should look there.
> Hmm, what's the criteria for determining a missing OP?  Looks like his first 
> post was at 10:55 last night, so when you wrote this, he hadn't been heard 
> from or seen in about 9 hours, so the police won't take a missing persons 
> report yet.
> To me, one of the advantages of email is asynchronous communitication.

Well, we already had epistolary communication and carrier pigeons, so
for me it's the rapidity. But that's really not what I was getting on
about. Sometimes people ask a question here and are never heard of
again. It happens. But not this time.

He'll disppear eventually, though. Not that I want him to, mind you. 

> Have a good day (I have a headache today, so I may be (probably am) more 
> gurmpy than usual.)

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