Aug 21, 2022, 18:28 by

> Hi,
> Have upgraded to FF v102 a couple of days ago but it looks like something 
> isn't quite right with this version of FF. Have to restart it once or twice a 
> day because FF just stops responding. The issue doesn't seem to be related to 
> any particular site. Same hardware, same Debian (Bookworm), same FF plugins.
> The previous FF version (v91, IIRC) was a lot more stable, practically never 
> crashed or hanged.
> Just me? Thanks
> # aptitude show firefox-esr
> Package: firefox-esr                   
> Version: 102.1.0esr-2
> # cat /etc/debian_version && uname -a
> bookworm/sid
> Linux tst 5.18.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Debian 5.18.16-1 (2022-08-10) 
> x86_64 GNU/Linux

Disabling hardware acceleration in FF seems to help, it still happening but a 
lot less often (days go by without any issues).

Thanks to everyone who responded.

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