This is my first post, bear with me..

Package "grub-xen-host" shipped with point release 11.5 broke all PV domains on my Xen server, after "apt upgrade" from 11.4.

I found exactly mirroring my situation, and I wonder whether this can be fixed for other users in any (fast) way, upfront other users doing apt upgrade on their Xen hosts?

My workaround for this ATM: install and pin previous grub-xen-host (grub-xen-host_2.04-20_amd64.deb, grub-xen-bin_2.04-20_amd64.deb, grub-common_2.04-20_amd64.deb). Probably the wrong way to fix it, but works for me so far(TM).

In case this should be reported or added to something somewhere, please let me (a Debian bug reporting newbie) know.


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