
El mar., 13 sept. 2022 19:10, Greg Wooledge <g...@wooledge.org> escribió:

> On Tue, Sep 13, 2022 at 04:45:40PM +0100, Tim Woodall wrote:
> > There's a package usr-is-merged that will stop usrmerge being installed
> > with init-system-helpers (and so avoids bringing in its dependencies)
> > but I don't see that available in bullseye.
> >
> > Most of my systems are already merged /usr and I'd prefer to avoid
> > bringing in unnecessary packages when I upgrade to bookworm (which will
> > be after bookworm becomes stable). Will the usr-is-merged package be
> > added to bullseye before then?
> Added to bullseye?  That sounds unlikely.  New packages are almost never
> *added* to a stable release.
> I can only guess that once we're in the bookworm freeze, some instructions
> will start to appear for how users are expected to manage the transition.
> Perhaps it will be possible to install the testing version of the
> usr-is-merged package on stable.  From what I gleaned from packages.d.o,
> it's only got a copyright file and a changelog file.  No dependencies or
> anything, so if any package from testing is safe to install on stable,
> it might be that one.
> As far as usrmerge dependencies go, I was curious, so I did this:
> unicorn:~$ apt-get -s install usrmerge
> NOTE: This is only a simulation!
>       apt-get needs root privileges for real execution.
>       Keep also in mind that locking is deactivated,
>       so don't depend on the relevance to the real current situation!
> Reading package lists... Done
> Building dependency tree... Done
> Reading state information... Done
> The following additional packages will be installed:
>   libfile-find-rule-perl libnumber-compare-perl libtext-glob-perl
> The following packages will be REMOVED:
>   libpng12-0 xv
> The following NEW packages will be installed:
>   libfile-find-rule-perl libnumber-compare-perl libtext-glob-perl usrmerge
> 0 upgraded, 4 newly installed, 2 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
> Remv xv [3.10a-20]
> Remv libpng12-0 [1.2.50-2+deb8u3]
> Inst libnumber-compare-perl (0.03-1.1 Debian:11.5/stable [all])
> Inst libtext-glob-perl (0.11-1 Debian:11.5/stable [all])
> Inst libfile-find-rule-perl (0.34-1 Debian:11.5/stable [all])
> Inst usrmerge (25 Debian:11.5/stable [all])
> Conf libnumber-compare-perl (0.03-1.1 Debian:11.5/stable [all])
> Conf libtext-glob-perl (0.11-1 Debian:11.5/stable [all])
> Conf libfile-find-rule-perl (0.34-1 Debian:11.5/stable [all])
> Conf usrmerge (25 Debian:11.5/stable [all])
> Now I'm no longer just curious -- I'm *concerned*.  Why does it want to
> remove my libpng12-0 package?  What's the best way to keep/reinstall xv
> on my system after this upgrade?

Did you test aptitude why-not libpng12-0?

I'm not sure If It help in this case



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