On Sat 24 Sep 2022 at 18:48:13 (-0700), Ray Andrews wrote:
> On 2022-09-24 13:52, Dan Ritter wrote:
> > Ray Andrews wrote:
> > > To whom might read this.  I can't boil this down to a formal bug report 
> > > but
> > > for what it's worth:
> > > 
> > > BULLSEYE INSTALL, 2022-09-23:
> > > 
> > > Decided to do a virgin install of bullseye to my /dev/sdb while keeping
> > > /dev/sda devoted to Stretch. Got the installer onto a USB stick, and
> > > proceeding normally. The 'normal' install (sorry, I forget the exact name)
> > > ... I get as far as partitioning and although the disk (sdb) is already
> > > partitioned and formatted and working fine, it seemed to be impossible to
> > > just leave things as they were and install to the existing partitions, it
> > > kept complaining that a necessary step was not completed. Erasing the
> > > partitions (overwrite with zeros) didn't help. I couldn't figure out how 
> > > to
> > > make it work so backed up and selected 'use whole disk'.
> > You are lacking vital information to pass on to us here: what
> > necessary step was not completed?
> When I tried to bypass partitioning.  As I said,  the disk was already
> partitioned and formatted and had a working copy of Debian 9 on it, so
> my thought was to just zero out the existing partitions, which was
> offered, and then proceed to install, but the the installer refused to
> let me proceed.  It seemed to feel the need to create partitions not
> reuse them. 

That would correspond with my reading of §

> The final partitioning screen showed the partitions
> marked 'K' (keep) and I couldn't explain to the installer that they
> were free to use.

I would only expect to see partitions marked K where the contents were
to be strictly left alone by the partitioner, but were to be available
for the installer to use. This would include (for GPT disks) EFI and
BIOS Boot partitions, and filesystems like, say, /home or /opt that
had preexisting contents that were to be mounted in the installer just
after the partitioning step.

Here's an example of mine that's closest to the setup that you have.
The first disk is an internal SSD with Windows on it, and the second
is the installer stick.

The third disk is an external caddy, sdb, and has #1 backup provision
for Windows, #2 BIOS Boot for Grub (necessary with a GPT disk), #3 EFI
for booting, #4 an oldoldstable root filesystem that is the one I'm
overwriting in the installer, #5 an oldstable root filesystem that I'm
keeping but don't need mounting in the installer, and #6 which is an
encrypted filesystem that is /home to #5, and will be /home to #4 when
I've configured (say, the next day) the new installation to decrypt
and mount it.

So I'd expect you to have a line like that of #4, and you'd probably
also have a line for swap like:

  │      >     #N    524.3 MB     F  swap        Linux swap    swap

which I don't have, as the systems on this caddy aren't intended for
any sort of heavy work.

  ┌────────────────────────┤ [!!] Partition disks ├─────────────────────────┐
  │                                                                         │
  │ This is an overview of your currently configured partitions and mount   │
  │ points. Select a partition to modify its settings (file system, mount   │
  │ point, etc.), a free space to create partitions, or a device to         │
  │ initialize its partition table.                                         │
  │                                                                         │
  │      Configure iSCSI volumes                                    ↑       │
  │                                                                 ▒       │
  │      /dev/nvme0n1 - 512.1 GB THNSN5512GPUK TOSHIBA              ▒       │
  │      >             1.0 MB        FREE SPACE                     ▒       │
  │      >     #1    367.0 MB  B     fat32       EFI system p       ▒       │
  │      >     #2    134.2 MB                    Microsoft re       ▒       │
  │      >     #3    510.6 GB        ntfs        Basic data p       ▒       │
  │      >           871.9 kB        FREE SPACE                     ▒       │
  │      >     #4    987.8 MB        ntfs                           ▒       │
  │      >             1.4 MB        FREE SPACE                     ▒       │
  │      SCSI1 (0,0,0) (sda) - 4.0 GB SMI USB DISK                  ▒       │
  │      SCSI2 (0,0,0) (sdb) - 1.0 TB Seagate BUP Slim BK           ▒       │
  │      >             1.0 MB        FREE SPACE                     ▒       │
  │      >     #1    666.8 GB        ntfs        Microsoft ba       ▒       │
  │      >     #2      7.3 MB     K  biosgrub    BIOS boot pa       ▒       │
  │      >     #3    268.4 MB  B  K  ESP         EFI System         ▒       │
  │      >     #4     31.5 GB     F  ext4        Quiz-A        /    ▒       │
  │      >     #5     31.5 GB        ext4        Quiz-B             ▒       │
  │      >     #6    270.2 GB                    Quiz-Home          ▒       │
  │      >             1.8 MB        FREE SPACE                     ▒       │
  │                                                                 ▒       │
  │      Undo changes to partitions                                 ▮       │
  │      Finish partitioning and write changes to disk              ↓       │
  │                                                                         │
  │     <Go Back>                                                           │
  │                                                                         │


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