> > That puts quite a new complexion on the thread here called
> > "how disable apt downloads w/o sudo".
> > It might be worth being a bit more revealing about the
> > system that you're running so that you don't waste other
> > people's time, and your own, with red herrings.  
> as normal user i expected apt to show **some 
> kind** of warning without providing 
> root password installation of package 
> will fail.
> > It's conceivable that Debian on Userland on Android might not
> > function quite in the manner to which we are accustomed. Then
> > again, who knows?  
> again as normal user: i expect os to 
> behave same, especially when you configure 
> or make a package as default, in my case 
> all html links whether present in gui 
> or cli OR apt stopping without root 
> password.

That may or may not be a reasonable expectation but regardless, if
debian on userland is behaving differently to 'native' debian then you
need to discuss your concerns with whatever userland support facilities
there are, not here on the debian list.

> regards,
> jindam, vani
> toots: @jindam_v...@c.im
> others: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Jindam_vani

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