Almost,but not fully. Because I've realized that as soon as a new kernel
has been installed by the user,logos and images should be added
automatically inside the initrd.img* file. For this reason,I've created the
bash script below. It works,I've tested it. Now I should understand where
to place it and which stage of the linux booting is the better one to
invoke it. I would like to read your suggestions. Thanks.


if [ "`id -u`" -ne 0 ]; then
 echo "Switching from `id -un` to root"
 exec sudo "$0"
 exit 99

# Lets check the kernel version

function kernels-check() {
  CURRENT_KERNEL_VERSION_LIQUORIX=$(uname --kernel-release | cut
--delimiter="-" --fields=3)
  if [ "$CURRENT_KERNEL_VERSION_LIQUORIX" = "liquorix" ]; then
        CURRENT_KERNEL_VERSION_GZ='initrd.img-'$(uname --kernel-release |
cut --delimiter="-" --fields=1-3)'-amd64.gz'
        CURRENT_KERNEL_VERSION_NO_GZ='initrd.img-'$(uname --kernel-release
| cut --delimiter="-" --fields=1-3)'-amd64'
        CURRENT_KERNEL_VERSION_GZ='initrd.img-'$(uname --kernel-release |
cut --delimiter="-" --fields=1-2)'-amd64.gz'
        CURRENT_KERNEL_VERSION_NO_GZ='initrd.img-'$(uname --kernel-release
| cut --delimiter="-" --fields=1-2)'-amd64'
        cp $CURRENT_KERNEL_VERSION_GZ /boot/old
        gunzip /boot/old/$CURRENT_KERNEL_VERSION_GZ
        echo /usr/share/plymouth/themes/homeworld/debian.png | cpio -H newc
        echo /usr/share/plymouth/themes/homeworld/logo.png | cpio -H newc
        echo /usr/share/plymouth/debian-logo.png | cpio -H newc -o -A -F
        gzip /boot/old/$CURRENT_KERNEL_VERSION_NO_GZ
        cp /boot/old/$CURRENT_KERNEL_VERSION_GZ /boot



Il giorno lun 24 ott 2022 alle ore 13:36 Thomas Schmitt <>
ha scritto:

> Hi,
> Mario Marietto wrote:
> > But the technique below worked :
> So your initrd problems are solved now and you managed to modify a Debian
> Live ISO by help of Cubic ?
> Have a nice day :)
> Thomas


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