My laptop (Thinkpad Yoga11e first gen) on Debian Sid is showing for last few 
months diverse and variable sound problems.l, particularly with using Bluetooth 
speakers, but also with Airplay. 

Current system uses pulse audio and pipe wire. I do not fully understand the 
connection between the two. 

After removing cruft accumulated I have narrowed the Bluetooth problem down to 
the speakers being recognised and paired cleanly , recognised as speakers, 
specifically , but then either not appearing in the speaker list in gnome’s 
audio settings or, when intermittently appearing after all either silent or 
stuttering sound. 

Looking at journalctl i do get various errors around Bluetoothd (refused 
permissions), pipewire (refused permissions) and again it is not entirely clear 
to me what is cruft and what is relevant.

I looked also in /etc/apparmor.d for any profiles I could associate with sound 
but found nothing and I looked at my own group membership which does include 

I am more than happy to send any and all journal entries, and configure files, 
but I am far from sure where to even start. 

Thanks for any hints!


Sent from my phone. Please forgive misspellings and weird “corrections”

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