On Wed, 2022-11-09 at 18:26 +0100, Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:
> Am Wed, Nov 09, 2022 at 06:11:34PM +0100 schrieb hw:
> [...]
> > FreeBSD has ZFS but can't even configure the disk controllers, so that won't
> > work.  
> If I understand you right you mean RAID controllers?


> According to my knowledge ZFS should be used without any RAID
> controllers. Disks or better partions are fine.

I know, but it's what I have.  JBOD controllers are difficult to find.  And it
doesn't really matter because I can configure each disk as a single disk ---
still RAID though.  It may even be an advantage because the controllers have 1GB
cache each and the computers CPU doesn't need to do command queuing.

And I've been reading that when using ZFS, you shouldn't make volumes with more
than 8 disks.  That's very inconvenient.

Why would partitions be better than the block device itself?  They're like an
additional layer and what could be faster and easier than directly using the
block devices?

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