Am 11.11.2022 04:32, schrieb Amn:
I am trying to remove this file :
'/var/cache/apt/archives/codeblocks-dev_20.03-3_amd64.deb', but after
trying, even as a 'su', but I am unable to. Any suggestion how to do

The others are trying to solve the problem on the package layer. But if removing such an archive file is not possible even with root permissions, this could potentially indicate some more fundamental problem. Like errors in the data layer of the partition (broken harddisk) or read-only mounts.

My question would be: _How_ did you try to delete the file with root permissions? And what was the result (error message)?

And like others suggested: If you are not familiar with deeper Debian system knowledge, the (unstable) SID distribution may not be your best option. I'd suggest to use some stable distribution (like Debian Bullseye currently).


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