Still strugglng. command suggested returns new key but no user id - skipped

On 11/13/22 15:08, Darac Marjal wrote:

On 13/11/2022 19:14, Thomas George wrote:
I want to do a new verified instillation of a debian iso. I have the iso and SHA512SUMS.sign.txt and SHHA512SUMS.txt and have tried

gpg --verify SHA512SUMS.sign.txt SHA512SUMS.txt with the result No Public Key

I thought to skip this step and tried

gpg --verify SHA515SUMS.sign.txt debian-11.5.0-amd64-netinst.iso with the result Can't open signed data debian-11.5.0-amd64-netinst.iso

Clearly I am making some elementary mistakes. I have spent fruitless hours trying find and use a public key. One source suggested Curl This outputs an ip address that seams to have nothing to do with my problem.

A reference to a step-by-step procedure would be appreciated. says "The keys used for these signatures are all in the Debian GPG keyring and the best way to check them is to use that keyring to validate via the web of trust.". If you are using a Debian system, you can get those keys by installing "debian-archive-keyring". IF you're not (which is likely, given you're trying to install Debian), then that page also lists the fingerprints of the keys:

pub   rsa4096/988021A964E6EA7D 2009-10-03
      Key fingerprint = 1046 0DAD 7616 5AD8 1FBC  0CE9 9880 21A9 64E6 EA7D
uid                  Debian CD signing key <>

pub   rsa4096/DA87E80D6294BE9B 2011-01-05 [SC]
      Key fingerprint = DF9B 9C49 EAA9 2984 3258  9D76 DA87 E80D 6294 BE9B
uid                  Debian CD signing key <>

pub   rsa4096/42468F4009EA8AC3 2014-04-15 [SC]
      Key fingerprint = F41D 3034 2F35 4669 5F65  C669 4246 8F40 09EA 8AC3 uid                  Debian Testing CDs Automatic Signing Key <>

So you should just be able to do, for example:

    $ gpg --receive-keys "1046 0DAD 7616 5AD8 1FBC  0CE9 9880 21A9 64E6 EA7D"

Tom George

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