On Mon, 2022-11-14 at 15:08 -0500, Michael Stone wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 14, 2022 at 08:40:47PM +0100, hw wrote:
> > Not really, it was just an SSD.  Two of them were used as cache and they
> > failed
> > was not surprising.  It's really unfortunate that SSDs fail particulary fast
> > when used for purposes they can be particularly useful for.
> If you buy hard drives and use them in the wrong application, they also 
> fail quickly.


>  And, again, you weren't using the right SSD so it *wasn't*
> particularly useful.

Sure it was.  An SSD that is readily available and relatively inexpensive can be
very useful and be the right one for the purpose.  Another one that isn't
readily available and relatively expensive may last longer, and that doesn't
mean that it's the right one for the purpose.

>  But at this point you seem to just want to argue 
> in circles for no reason, so like others I'm done with this waste of 
> time.

IIRC, you're the one trying to argue against experience, claiming that the
experience wasn't how it was while it was as it was, and that conclusions drawn
from the experience are invalid while they aren't.

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