On Sun, 2022-11-20 at 13:07 -0600, Mark Kamichoff wrote:
> Hi - 
> I'm not sure if this is a bug or intentional so I figured I'd ask here
> first before submitting a bug report.
> The Asterisk package in testing (1:20.0.0~dfsg+~cs6.12.40431414-2)
> doesn't appear to have chan_sip.so included anymore.  The file is no
> longer there so no amount of noload'ing pjsip and load'ing chan_sip
> works.  The package for version 18 (1:18.14.0~dfsg+~cs6.12.40431414-1)
> has it included.  From my understanding even though chan_sip has been
> deprecated in favor of pjsip for a few releases, it is still included
> until version 21 (Oct 2023?) where it will be removed completely in
> favor of res_pjsip.
> I didn't find anything about its removal in changelog or NEWS files.
> Can any Asterisk users out there comment if this may have been
> intentional or whether this was a miss on the Asterisk 20 package build?

You'd probably have to ask the package manager about it --- or make a bug
report.  The xmpp module was also removed from asterisk, and that really sucks

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