On Sun, 11 Dec 2022 11:48:36 -0500
Jim Popovitch <j...@k4vqc.com> wrote:

> Ahh, sorry for using a descriptive acronym that I have used for
> decades to define an end-of-line. Whether it's in-fact a CR/LF, or
> just a LF, doesn't really change the original question about the
> addition of a end- of-line being inserted into the $TEST variable.
> The fact that it affected someone so much is quite impressive.

Actually, it does change the meaning — for someone who did not know
that you meant it as a symbol, and took it as a literal. Precision
helps in technical communications. Unfortunately, one cannot always
correctly anticipate how others will take one's words. What I think
impressed Mr. Wooledge (and I am sure he can speak for himself) is that
he asked you about it several times and got no response. Human factors,

Does anybody read signatures any more?


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