On Thu, Feb 02, 2023 at 08:48:43AM -0500, Haines Brown wrote:
> Now the quetion is, what process is using that port?
>    $ sudo ss -pt state listening 'sport = :6050'
>    Recv-Q  Send-Q  Local Address:Port       Peer Address:Port  Process
>    0       1       [::ffff:]:6050  *:*                
> users:(("java",pid=1675,fd=14))
> Is java holding that port? Is jabref then trying to use the port for 
> itself? If so, is this a bug? (I run testing)

You've got a PID, so the next thing *I* would do is ps -fp 1675

> Is there any way I can tell java or jabref to use next available 
> free port?

You'd have to edit the jabref source code, and rebuild it.  And if you're
going to do that, you might as well grab the upstream version instead of
using the Debian version.  Who knows -- the newer upstream versions
might have already done something about this.

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