On Sun, Jan 04, 2004 at 02:05:26AM -0500, Antonio Rodriguez wrote:
> There was a thread a while ago about reformatting man pages for pretty
> viewing and printing. I wonder if there are any similar tricks or
> ideas for the info pages. I didn't want to awake that sleeping
> thread, so I started this with a similar name.

All info documentation is written in Texinfo format and then converted
to info, using a program called makeinfo. If you get your hands on the
Texinfo source you can run it through TeX and get dvi or PostScript output
or run it through makeinfo and get info or html. The FSF sells printed
copies of their manuals and they also have them online in various formats
(html, dvi, ps, pdf, etc).

If you don't feel like either getting the Texinfo sources, or downloading
the documentation in a different format, you could always use the
info2man package to convert the info documentation to a manpage and
then print that. But I believe that you would get much better results
from the Texinfo sources.

Bijan Soleymani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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