I'm using Sid/amd64 on my notebook and I have a Android smartphone. My notebook has no problems to associate to every WiFI access point I tested so far, including mobile phones hotspots, except the hotspot of my own smartphone.

On the other hand, another notebook I have (booted with Systemrescuecd) has no problems to associate to my smartphone hotspot, and the same is true for other notebooks of a few friends I asked to.

I'm using XFCE, though I suspect that doesn't make any difference, because Systemrescuecd also uses XFCE.

When I try to associate my notebook to my smartphone hotspot, the password dialog simply pops up again, but I'm sure I enter the correct password.

I've already tried changing the password, changing the SSID, removing the network from NetworkManager and rebooting everything: no dice.

Can you please help me spot the problem?

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