On Sun, Mar 5, 2023 at 07:20 Nicolas George <geo...@nsup.org> wrote:

> Tom Browder (12023-03-05):
> > Yes, but please use its new name, Raku. Note new releases come out
> monthly

> so you shouldn't use the Debian packages since they are way behind. We
> have

I shouldn't have said "you shouldn't use the Debian packages." I've been a
core developer since 2016 and am automatically primed to use the latest
release. The Debian version should be fine for production use.

That kind of precision does not really scream “production ready”.
> If a language (or a library, a framework, whatever) cannot be used
> without the latest experimental features added in the last two years,
> then it might be worth toying with as a promising novelty, but we should
> not use it for a real project, especially if we do not work alone or
> intend to release the result.

The regular releases are generally speed improvements or new features--in
general, nothing that changes any exising Raku code. Any necessary changes
are done after a long deprecation period where the user can have adequate
warning and preparation time to update his existing code.

Try it, you'll like it. I like for many reasons. Among them:

+ it is C-like in its use of curly braces (and not weird whitespace like
Python, ugh)
+ its kebab-case as in:
           my $first-name = 'Tom';
+ easy use of classes
+ much easier to use than Perl (much less so-called "line noise")
+ huge set of built-in routines
+ easy to create and use public add-on modules
+ great built-in math capability

New users don't have to use the great power available all at once. It's
easy to get started building practical things. If I were building GnuCash
from scratch, I would use Raku and JSON instead of C, Scheme, and XML.

I hope to see you on IRC #raku.

Best regards,


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