On Mon, Mar 20, 2023 at 05:23:09PM -0600, Charles Curley wrote:

>> It seems the only serious contenders, available new, with a future,
>> would be Power and ARM?

> Any thoughts on RISC-V?

Not a released Debian architecture/port, which spells trouble for
"just using it". Is it on good path to becoming one? It got
LibreOffice support in upstream in ... 2022, so quite recently.

lists only "small" SoC systems , not something that looks like I would
like to compile something the size of LibreOffice on. In that list the
highest memory supported seems to be 8GB... Nowadays software seems to
be _very_ memory hungry, my desktop isn't running anything particular
(just X11, XFCE, terminals, mutt, emacs, firefox, instant messenging
stuff, nextcloud desktop) and... "free -m" says 10437 used (I
understand that's _without_ buffers and cache), Firefox clearly takes
at least 2GB if not 3B (main process 1GB RES in top and then many
"Isolate Web Content" processes taking 100MB to 340MB, they add up!),
Telegram has RES of 600MB plus 465MB swapped (!!!), etc.

That 8GB memory board has only one HDMI output, not two.

Am I missing any hardware that would be interesting?

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