On 3/29/23, Richmond <dnomh...@gmx.com> wrote:
> I thought I had disabled hot corners, but occasionally, if I select and
> swipe in the location bar of my browser, it activates hot corner. When I
> went back to check the setting which was in "multitasking" before, that
> tab has gone. Where is the hot corner setting now?

Hi.. I've taken a poke at this via an Internet search. I originally
missed you declaring GNOME in the subject line. That brings up this:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface enable-hot-corners false

That's a tweak on where they're telling the user on this webpage to
enter "true":


Maybe once you set that, gsettings can be used to adjust it from
there? I tried that command on my setup. It didn't complain since I do
have one or more GNOME packages installed. Mine's currently set to
"true" with no obvious GUI to set up what actions go with the 4

Because you mentioned this was affecting your browser usage, maybe
this explains what happened there:


It's saying that Firefox, for one, is no longer compatible in that
operating system.

With some more searching, I encountered gnome-shell-extensions and
gnome-shell-extension-manager. Those may or may not help, but they do
exist and are specifically mentioned with respect to toggling hot

Searching for those two and Debian as keywords keeps trying to point
users to outside websites. I don't know why it would since it looks
like the same packages are available through Debian's own apt package

WARNING: I was going to test drive the extension manager, but
gnome-shell-extensions by itself wants to install 201 new packages at
125MB download, 488MB of additional space used. Maybe next time.

If anyone gets curious about hot corners, apparently not all desktops
offer them and/or they store hot corners access in varying settings
locations. Best bet might be to specify the desktop environment in

"apt-get search" pulls up an applet for Budgie. Anything else with hot
corners apparently has them included as one piece of an inclusive
"goodies" type package.

Me? I tried it, maybe when I was trapped using Mint's LiveDVD. The
experience lasted about 90 seconds. My mouse usage is too erratic,
moves around the screen too much so the otherwise helpful effect got
old really quick.

Cindy :)
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA
* runs with birdseed *

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