On 4/16/23 05:19, Jesper Dybdal wrote:
I have a Debian pc functioning as router, firewall, file server, name server, webserver, ...
It has very recently been upgraded to Bullseye.

On the internal network I have a Windows 10 pc.

And there in the bash history were 4 lines that I had not written :-(

sp md5users
sp /x/md5users
ps /x/md5users

On 4/16/23 07:30, Jesper Dybdal wrote:

> ... I really need to be able to run ssh [on Windows to] administer
> [the Debian] machine (which normally has neither keyboard nor
> monitor).

What about installing a KVM switch and administering the Debian computer from the console?

If the two computers are separated, you could use a KVM extender and put the KVM switch near the Windows computer. Or, you could get networked KVM equipment.

That said, using one computer as router, firewall, file server, name server, web server, and more represents "all of your eggs in one basket". I suggest using dedicated hardware for networking, network segmentation (e.g. DMZ), and kernel or hypervisor compartmentalization of services. Qubes looks very appealing:



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