    Subject: Re: Request for guidance to output(print, i.e.) mouse
movements, key press, perepherals insert, etc., on a terminal
    From: "Susmita/Rajib" <>
    Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2023 10:30:04 +0530
    Message-id: <[🔎]>
    References: <[🔎]>

My dear illustrious leaders and senior members of this mailing list,

Please Ignore my earlier post on evemu at, as the
input events can be accessed from the terminals without the
implementation of evemu,

The ideal candidates would be kernel event handlers, like mouse and
keyboard event handlers, which are illustrated in the file:

I would like the latest edition of the said document: whether a
commensurate version exists, such as

BUT mainly how could I access the input events from the terminal?

For example, in the case of my laptop, my usb mouse is reported by
invoking as root, $cat /dev/input/mouse1 and the laptop keyboard, as
root by $cat /dev/input/event0.

What remains to be accomplished is the event when a USB device is
inserted into the USB ports.

After the "USB insertion" is sorted out, I will seek support for the
next course of action.

Best wishes

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