On Sat, Jan 03, 2004 at 10:31:41PM -0500, Russ Schneider wrote:
> When you do an ls on Debian, you see something like the following:
> file1  file2  file3  dir1
> dir2   file4
> etc.
> When you do the same on Mandrake, you get
> file1  file2  file3  dir1/
> dir2/  file4
> You see how there's a / at the end of each directory name, making it
> really easy to tell at a glance what's a directory and what's not?
> Any way to config Debian's ls to do that?  I realize it's just a nitpick, 
> but I am curious.

In your home directory, you should have a .bashrc file put there from
/etc/skel when your account was created. It contains a lot of goodies that
are commented out, in particular:

 # enable color support of ls and also add handy aliases
 eval `dircolors -b`
 alias ls='ls --color=auto'

If you uncomment the above two lines, and add a -F option to the ls alias,
it will walk and talk similarly to how Mandrake's ls presumably does. Run
'alias ls' on your Mandrake box to determine exactly how they've aliased it
if you want to make it identical. Naturally, you will need to log in and log
out again (or close and open a fresh xterm, as the case may be).

You may also wish to uncomment the lines in your .bash_profile that source
the .bashrc if it exists.



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