Am 16.05.2023 um 02:17 schrieb Maureen L Thomas:
> I have everything I need including a third HDD.  There are so many
> backup programs I have to wonder which one will work for my needs.  I
> just need to make a backup of my home directory so if I do something
> stupid like play with /var and have no idea how to fix it.  Is there
> something else I need to back up besides /home?  I appreciate your help.
> Moe

TBH, I have always preferred to use my own hand-scripted backup using
standard tools, bacause i am willing to tailor it to special use cases i
might encounter. And a basic backup has to offer the feature to restore
in any way, i want.
But, just recently, i decided to create a backup for my neighbor on
their laptop, and did not wwant to write everything from scratch. After
searching a bit, i opted for fsarchiver, a simple tool, that is already
on some ubuntu live cd. Learning its commandline is not so difficult,
the biggest problem AFAICT is, that there is only one (french) developer
and thus the tool has not seen a huge amount of public testing. But i
pucked it anyway, had several backups and - who would have thought:
several restore operations carried out since. And i am happy with the
choice. You might take a look as well:

just my 2 cents, DdB

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