Bret Busby wrote: 
> Last year, I bought the computer described below, as a refurbished machine,
> and, it is far superior to the new computers that do not come with enough
> RAM to be worthwhile.
> This computer, with 128GB RAM, I regard as far superior to an i9 computer
> with 8GB RAM.


> The new computers are rubbish.

No evidence for that, and the statement is so broad as to be

>   Info: 14-core model: Intel Xeon E5-2660 v4 bits: 64 type: MT MCP arch:
> Broadwell rev: 1 cache:

First sale date: Q1 2016.

The discussion about relative speed of old computers is specific
to a feature which became ubiquitous in 2012, and the
speculation about not being worse than 3x was specifically about
2010 vs current models.

> Some computers, like this one, perform far better, than the cheap and nasty
> new computers (which cost far more, and, far too much)

I don't see how they can be both cheap and cost far too much.


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