
On Sun, Jun 11, 2023 at 12:31:31PM -0400, Dan Ritter wrote:
> The machine I am typing on has been upgraded from bullseye to
> bookworm. TL;DR: boring, which is good.

My experience is somewhat different.

1) NTP was replaced by NTPsec.

Not that I oppose the change, but 'ntpq -nc peers localhost' just
hangs after the upgrade.
Solved by replacing NTPsec with chrony (where I need )

2) Exim started tainting macro arguments in transports' configuration.

Broke my custom transports (aka mail delivery), but was easy to fix.

3) Kernel size has increased, again.

This time it bricked one of my armhf boards, just because NAND partition
has 5MB limit. It was time to decommission this particular hardware
anyway, but I'll try to work around it.

4) dhcpcd became multi-process monstrosity.

And it's my fault, but a custom apparmor profile caused the thing to
write 6-7 Gb of identical error messages before I saw it.
Note to self - do aa-complain *before* the upgrade, not *after*.

5) systemd-binfmtd fails on boot due to the python 3.11.

But it's nothing that 'systemctl mask' cannot solve.

6) Contrary to my expectations, CUPS, SANE and Strongswan upgrades were

Although I did not try to use the printer or the scanner after the upgrade.

So, bookworm has an interesting beginning, to say the least. Certainly
more interesting than buster->bullseye upgrade.


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