Hello, everybody out there!

        Thank you for your answers. I realize I have not made myself clear, my 

Indeed, I do not want to change the Python version of the whole distribution: I do not want to mess up the system. My need is to follow the up-to-date Python stable version for my own developments—and yes, I should, and already do, use virtual environments for my own developments.

So, in fact, my question was: what is the best practice to install a specific version of Python alongside the version of the system without messing up the system. I would rather use a solution as automatic as possible.

Reading your answers, it turns out that pinning is not a solution. Understood.

There is the option to compile the new version from source, but this is really not automatic, and my experience is that you easily make mistakes when you repeatedly do the same task. I would rather not use that option.

Pyenv seems to be a tool made for what I need to do. The thing is, as far as I know, there is no package in the distribution for it. Though, the procedure to install it is well described (https://realpython.com/intro-to-pyenv/), and there is a pyenv-update plgugin to keep it up to date—well, I prefer using the package manager, but anyway.

There is an official Docker image for Python (https://hub.docker.com/_/python/), but Pyenv seems to be more fitted to manage a specific virtual environment for each project.

        What does experience Python developers on Debian recommend?

        Best regards.


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