On 14/08/2023 07:30, Nate Bargmann wrote:
I have been using the GNOME keyring applet to manage the SSH public key
passwords I use as it prompts to save passwords and then lets me SSH to
other hosts without out a password prompt.

I do not know how it is arranged in Gnome, but I hope my observations still might be helpful.

systems on my LAN and was greeted with a password prompt for the
corresponding public key

To be precise, it is the passphrase do decrypt your *private* key. A public key may be known to anybody. Private key is a secret that allows to prove that you have it without disclosing of this private key. Encryption using a passphrase is a means to mitigate consequences if the private key is stolen.

An ssh agent opens a socket and exposes its location through an environment variable (perhaps using "systemctl set-environment", but I am not sure). Try

    env | grep SSH

There are multiple implementations of SSH agents: openssh, gpg, keepassxc(?), perhaps gnome has more (seahorse? I am unsure concerning the role of secrets service). It may happen that in your case multiple instances are running:


GUI prompt may be just a proxy to an actual ssh agent. It just listens its socket and displaying a password prompt on demand and passing other messages literally.

Now, while typing this email all keyring PIDs have vanished!

It may be a way to minimize RAM usage. The agent may be a socket-activated process.

    systemctl --user list-sockets

Check owner of $SSH_AUTH_SOCK using ss or lsof. It may give some clue what is really happening in your case.

I suggest you to add "f" option to "ps" to see process tree. It may help to find details concerning starting of particular agent.

   ps xwwf

P.S. At certain moment gnome designers decided that password prompt must be a modal dialog completely blocking interaction with any other applications (including 3rd party password manager). For me it was another reason to avoid gnome. I am aware that X11 protocol allows to sniff keyboard events and a measure against it is grabbing input. However I believe mouse still may be a way to call an external password manager. After all, there are may be an option to temporary suspend keyboard grabbing. I learned about multiple ways to start a ssh agent during initialization of user session when I was trying to figure out which way GUI prompt is implemented and if a more flexible dialog could be used instead.

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