
On Fri, Sep 29, 2023 at 03:15:54PM -0400, gene heskett wrote:
> I have SSD's for swap on an rpi4b, so to lessen the abuse of the u-sd card I
> need to turn off the swap file, and swapon -a the SSD stuff.

Have you looked in /etc/fstab where as you know filesystem mounts
are described? If the swap file is listed in there, remove it and
add one that's on your SSD.

If it's noit in there, the situation is more of a mystery and I'd
suggest you paste the output of "swapon -s" so we can see what the
system, thinks it is currently swapping to.

I assume you don't need instruction on how to turn off an existing
swap source, and how to create a new swap file.


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