On 9/29/23 23:31, Max Nikulin wrote:
On 30/09/2023 02:54, gene heskett wrote:
On 9/29/23 15:17, Andy Smith wrote:
Probably, but adding a label to a *filesystem* is easy, so will
that suit your needs? "man e2label" for ext* filesystems.

That is what I couldn't remember Andy, thanks.

In the case of GPT, partitions may have names that are independent of filesystem labels. It is similar to partition UUID and filesystem UUID.

If not, what are you actually trying to achieve with partition
names? I can't think what use they have ever been to me in several

Non volatility. Partition names are permanent until changed, or the drive upchucks.  blkid's are quite a bit more volatile and have bitten me several times in now long past history.

Unless you figure out what you did wrong file system (or partition) UUIDs, you may be bitten by partition (or file system labels) more severely. Some variants:

- Blindly clone a disk without further steps to assign new UUIDs and accidentally plug both disks, so system may pick partition from any of them. E.g. sgdisk has -G, --randomize-guids (filesystem IDs are not affected however, so need to be changed separately)

That, while possible, is highly unlikely here as I have only one rpi4b. And I don't have a habit of moving drives around.

- Random number generator is not properly initialized, so assigned UUIDs are not random (no real time clock, lack of entropy inside a VM or inside a container).

This last s/b valid for rpi's as they have no hdwe clock, and many of the 3d printer drivers run inside a python venv whose isolation completeness seems to be suspect. It is a good way to hide python diffs though.

For instance and going off-topic, I'm getting bogus status data from klipper running on bananapi-m5's unless I exit the firefox running on this maschine and then restart it on a per print basis. I blame that on firefoxes/linux's caching though. Linux's caching is something else, If I make a mod to an openscad file, then resave the .3mf, I have to use cura's search from root of filesystem in order to be assured I actually get the new file and not the old, supposedly overwritten version. Then I have to do the same thing in mc by rescanning the directory before I copy the newly sliced gcode to the printer over an sshfs mount.

cura apparently uses inotify, but mc does not despite its being the swiss army knife of file utils. And using kde plasma here, it gets in the way and screws the moose by hiding the small "are you sure" requestor completely behind the main requestor showing where the file will be written to, so you have to figure out how move immovable stuff off it before you see it. Maddening BS but that's KDE and Ingo K. doesn't herd his cats all that well. KDE should not be "getting in the way" but it does.

All of which is not germain to this swap vs u-sd card battle.

on arm64, its seems the man pages blindly reference each other w/o adequately doing so in the case of swaps. Assuming a PARTLABEL has been applied the rest of the fstab line starting with:
PARTLABEL=partname      none    swap
with a -o priority of 1000 would look like?
Since I know the /dev/name of the partition, I've found
swapon/swapoff /dev/name
works but by PARTLABEL as above is opaque.

From the zram0 name for swap by default, I'm assuming that is stolen from the limited dram the pi has, which seems a bit circular, so once this PARTLABEL is working, how do I delete that zram0 since it is not included in fstab?

Thanks Andy. Take care & stay well.

Cheers, Gene Heskett.
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