Op 17-10-2023 om 20:40 schreef Greg Wooledge:
On Tue, Oct 17, 2023 at 05:43:55PM +0200, Gertjan Klein wrote:
While this is more an annoyance than a showstopper for me, I would like
the From address to look like "My name <my@address>". Does anyone here
know which program to persuade, and how to persuade it?

You mean the "From:" header.  This is provided by the MUA (Mail User
Agent), which in your case is whatever program "mail" links to.

Yes, I've drawn this conclusion from Geert's reply as well.

On my system, mailx points to bsd-mailx:

On Geert's as well. I wonder why. I installed nullmailer, and it automatically pulled in mailutils. I stayed with it because I don't know any better. You and Geert apparently decided on something different. May I ask why?

The bsd-mailx(1) documentation is EXTREMELY confusing, and it took
me 8 tries to get this, so I hope you appreciate it:

I do appreciate it. If I switch to bsd-mailx I have something that should work. Although I'm concerned by the statement (on the Debian package page) that it doesn't speak SMTP. This is how I send the mail on to my internet provider with mailutils. I wouldn't know how else to do it.

I've found the mailutils documentation impenetrable as well. More searching and trying ahead, I guess.

Kind regards,

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