With Fedora Live I could see the difference, using
# mokutil --list-sbat-revocations.

When the system is in one of these states:
-after old clonezilla (grub entries) load
-after Fedora live load or Fedora install

This list is

After load of grub page of a new Clonezilla (or live Debian) the list


In addition to firmware reflash, I found this way to restore previous condition:

-in bios settings, disable secure boot
-load new clonezilla live (tried with the version that updated the blacklist) -open shell, and run "mokutil --set-sbat-policy delete" (with "mokutil --set-sbat-policy previous" nothing changes) -reboot with same clonezilla live (it's enough to reach boot grub entries, the "mokutil --set-sbat-policy delete" is run at this stage, just as blacklist update)
-in bios settings, enable secure boot

But I haven't find, so far, a way to prevent blacklist update.

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