On Wed, 1 Nov 2023 12:19:47 +0100
"Marco M." <m...@dorfdsl.de> wrote:

> Am 01.11.2023 um 11:43:32 Uhr schrieb Alessandro Baggi:
> > I've read on an old email that many don't use NM for network 
> > configuration. I'm using it  because I replaced some CentOS
> > installation with Debian 12.
> > 
> > What is the default method to configure the network?  
> Desktop environments use the NM because it is feature-rich, offers
> desktop and CLI tools, supports VPN and WiFi and more.
My desktop has it because it's a dependency of Xfce4. Yes. I could
remove it, but the days when it was known as Notwork Manager are many
years gone, it's pretty reliable now so it's not doing me any harm.

The principle 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it' long predates the
computer era, but it applies at least a hundredfold to anything IT.

I don't actually do anything with the NM user features on the desktop,
which doesn't use VPN or get moved to any other network, but on the
other hand I do find it useful on my laptop and netbook. Those are the
devices used for messing about in other networks, or doing odd things
like tethering wi-fi, and NM now correctly manages the dirty little
details like DNS, routing and DHCP serving. I don't manage ssh with it,
because stuff done over ssh is command-line so I may as well initiate
the link that way as well. NM adds nothing to ssh.

Of course, NM has never been anywhere near my server, which doesn't
have a GUI. Horses for courses...


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