On 03/11/23 at 17:27, gene heskett wrote:
Greetings all;
As usual, the man page may as well be written in swahili. The NDE syndrome, meaning No D-----d Examples.

I have those 2 2T SSD's with a gpt partition table on both, allocated as sdc1 and sdk1, formatted to ext4, named and labeled as lvm1 and lvm2.
Temp mounted as sdc1 and sdk1 to /mnt/lvm1 and /mnt/lvm2

How do I create a single managed volume of labels lvm1 and lvm2 of these to make a single volume that I can then rsynch /home to it, then switch fstab to mount it as /home on a reboot?

How about to use debian-installer: burn the dvd image of Bookworm 12.2, put into the DVD drive then reboot the system. You have to choose "Expert Install" and it's all menu driven from RAID device creation to LVM logical device and logical volume names.
I don't know if you can do that from debian-installer rescue disk mode.

kinds regards

Franco Martelli

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