On Mon, Nov 6, 2023 at 11:43 AM Hans <hans.ullr...@loop.de> wrote:

> Maybe the op wqould like to test aqemu, which is a graphical frontend for
> qemu
> and it might be easier for him to configure.
> In the comparision of aqemu (with using kvm) and VirtualkBox and
> Virt-Manager
> my feeling was, Virtualbox the slowest and both Aqemu and VirtManager
> faster.
> The latter two are were looking both even fast.
> However, virt-manger IMHO still is not very user friendly, especially for
> beginners,  and also its documentation is not much at the moment. But
> please
> be respectfull (or is considerately the correct idiom?): virtmanager is
> rather
> new and has not many people involved, so it might become better in the
> future.
> Virt-manager has great potential.

Wait what, new? It's from 2006 and doesn't seem to have received many
feature updates since the first time I used it 10 years ago, mostly upkeep
to make it work with newer python/qemu.

"still is not very user friendly", "its documentation is not much at the
moment". I'm not holding my breath!

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