On 2023-11-16 23:53:51 +0700, Max Nikulin wrote:
> On 16/11/2023 20:59, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> > The question is what suppresses software buttons. If this is libinput
> > that suppresses them (just like it suppressed pointer moves when
> > typing, while pointer moves are still reported by the kernel), then
> > this is unrelated to my issue.
> I am unsure if kernel is involved at all. It may be device firmware (have
> you checked for firmware updates?),

Yes, firmware is up-to-date (/etc/update-motd.d/85-fwupd signals
when new versions are available).

> it may be libinput as the device driver. Perhaps libinput may send
> some commands to touchpad to suppress generation of events for some
> interval of time.

I would have expected something in the log in such a case.

In the next few days, I'll try to look at issues more closely with
tools from libinput-tools.

> > BTW, I often accidentally touch the bottom of the touchpad with the
> > palm of my hand
> I am unsure if you have read relevant parts of libinput docs
> https://wayland.freedesktop.org/libinput/doc/latest/palm-detection.html

Just a note to say that palm detection is either disabled or it does
not work (I'll try to see whether MT_TOOL_PALM can be generated).

> I hope I solved my variant of "buttons does not work for some period of
> time" by dropping a snippet into xorg.conf.d that enables tap-to-click.

I don't like tap-to-click (I don't want accidental clicks).

> For me it is more convenient than clicks in the bottom area. My
> observation is that hardware click works more reliable if I raise
> the finger for a moment after moving cursor. However in my case
> period of clickbuttons inactivity is usually just a few seconds
> (unless prolonged by repeating clicks). Sometimes clicks are ignored
> when a finger is at the bottom touchpad edge.

When I tried, I tested clicks on various parts of the touchpad.
But I would say that even if clicks are to be ignored, an event
is normally generated by the kernel. I could see that the kernel
generates a BTN_LEFT event even when it doesn't know where the
click has been done; in such a case, I get no clicks at the X11
level (obviously).

BTW, what model of touchpad do you have?

Vincent Lefèvre <vinc...@vinc17.net> - Web: <https://www.vinc17.net/>
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Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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