On Sat, Nov 18, 2023 at 07:49:32AM -0700, Charles Curley wrote:
> On Sat, 18 Nov 2023 08:25:10 -0500
> marathon <marathon.duran...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Using Debian Bookworm, on Lenovo X280 laptop. Each time after cold
> > startup or from suspend, I've found the ufw software is turned off
> > and blocks all network activity in that state.
> How do you know it is turned off? Please show the exact command you are
> using, including leading and trailing command line prompts.

When I launch Gufw it's off. I'm not starting it via console but with the 
GUI. This is a vanilla Debian install, and ufw/Gufw from the Debian repos.  
It should just work. I have no idea whats going on under the hood, I'm a 
simple user of the product.

> ufw is a tool for setting up and managing a firewall. It is not the
> firewall itself. To find out if your firewall is active, run
> iptables -n -L
> If you see this, you have no firewall at all, you are wide open, and
> should run some ifw command to bring the firewall up:

It works fine when its turned on manually, past experience using it on 
Debian this would never happen. Once installed and started it should keep on 
running across cold reboots and/or suspend.

> root@chaffee:~# iptables -n -L


> If you see anything else, you may have a working firewall. As I don't

It's called ufw not ifw. I have it set on the default settings which stops 
inbound but allows outbound. I need input from someone using this tool. It's 
available in the repos for those that don't want to screw around with 
scripts etc.

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