On 21 Nov 2023 14:48 +1100, from zen...@gmail.com (Zenaan Harkness):
> The desktop displays, but my external HDDs have been put to sleep, and
> they do not wake up.
> One of them is zfs. The zfs mounts list shows, but any attempt to
> view/ls a zfs mount, just hangs permanently until a reboot.
> The other drive is an ext4 filesystem, and it has been completely
> un-mounted and the HDD spun down, and it does not spin up again -
> until a reboot.

This doesn't sound right.

Can you run hdparm -C on the affected devices at the time? What is the
result of that?

Do the drives spin back up if you use hdparm -z?

What is the exact kernel version you are running? Please provide both
the package name and exact package version, and the full output from
uname -a.

Assuming that those drives are connected over USB, do they show up in
lsusb output while inaccessible?

Is there anything relevant in dmesg output?

Are you booting the kernel with any command-line parameters? Please
provide the exact contents of /proc/cmdline.

A spun-down drive can take a brief time to spin back up (typically on
the order of a few seconds), but that SHOULD be handled automatically;
clearly something odd is going on in your case if it doesn't.

Michael Kjörling                     🔗 https://michael.kjorling.se
“Remember when, on the Internet, nobody cared that you were a dog?”

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