On 20/11/23 at 21:22, Michael Kjörling wrote:
$ ps -eo pid,lstart,etime -q 1620,3507

If that doesn't return anything for the child process, maybe it simply
has exited?

Thanks it works, but instead of the child PID it is shown the parent PID:

~$ ps -eo pid,lstart,etime -q 1620,6841
    PID                  STARTED     ELAPSED
   1620 Mon Nov 20 16:12:47 2023    23:47:16
   1620 Tue Nov 21 15:59:36 2023       00:28

for me it doesn't matter, it is obvious that the last row refers to the child process. Picom forks a new child when its configuration file is changed:

~$ touch /home/myuser/.config/picom.conf

now the new Picom's child has PID 6841, thanks again

Franco Martelli

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