On Mon, Jan 01, 2024 at 10:36:41AM -0600, David Wright wrote:
> Is the history of this issue relevant?
>   https://forums.raspberrypi.com/viewtopic.php?t=282768

David the most relevant part of that old post is the last line.

> On Mon, 1 Jan 2024 13:53:44 -0500 Greg Wooledge wrote:
> Oh, it's the same *name*.  Huh.  So, Mike, whatever you figured out in
> 2020, you entirely forgot, and now you're starting over in a new forum?

Yes, Greg, my name is still Mike. Have you always been Greg?

If you think I figured it out in 2020 you clearly didn't read that
post. I suggest you go back and read the last line at least.

> What are you actually trying to do?  If all you want are a bunch of
> additional text consoles, you can simply increase the number of gettys
> by editing the /etc/systemd/logind.conf file:

I don't think I can state any more clearly what I'm trying to do than
'to tie a call to openvt to Alt Up'. I'm assuming you don't know how
to do that either.

You're quite right you can increase the number of gettys
and you can log into every one of them before you can use them.

I'd like to thank you for the reference to logind.conf. I've been
looking for a while where the login on tty6 was coming from having set
ACTIVE_CONSOLES="/dev/tty[1,3]" in /etc/default/console-setup.
You are often helpful.

One of these days I'll find a solution, I thought triggerhappy might
do but so far haven't made that work either.

Be well fellas,
Still Mike
1984 was not meant as a blueprint for democratic governments.

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